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Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. This article consists of a conceptual analysis—from the perspective of communication sciences—of the relevant aspects that should be considered during operational steps in data visualization.
The analysis is performed taking as a reference the components that integrate the communication framework theory—the message, the form, the encoder, the context, the channel, and the decoder—which correspond to six elements in the context of data visualization: content, graphic representation, encoding setup, graphic design and approach, media, and user.
The study windows 10 pro code generator free focused accordingly on the dimensions that these elements describe: the degrees of abstraction of the information, the functionalities of the tool for the graphical representation, the specifications for the setup of the visualization, the approach modes to the context by the graphic design, the levels of communication efficiency in the media, and the requirements of the visualization perceived as values from the user experience side.
The unfolding of these dimensions is undertaken following a common pattern of six organizational layers of complexity—basic, extended, synthetic, dynamic, interactive, and integrative—according to the analytical criteria. The results of the detailed study, based on an extensive scientific literature review, allow the design of a dimensional taxonomy of data visualization built on a matrix structure where these elements act as factors of completeness and the layers act as factors of complexity.
As a conclusion, an object-centered model constituted by an microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free series of phases and achievements is proposed as a guide to complete a systematic process of data visualization.
Over the past decades, visualization and complexity have received extensive scientific attention, and there has been a huge increase in the number of publications dealing directly or indirectly with their relation. Emergent complexity in systems theory is described as the distinctive novel properties or behaviors that arise in organizations from the interaction among their components Gibb et al.
Adding complexity is the common response of organizations under the influence of controllable and uncontrollable factors, by means of which they adapt themselves to changes in the environment. In complex systems, emergent properties are provided by networks of internal processes and hyper-processes in order to accomplish a particular function, which means that there is a scale factor involved in their structure.
Complexity is deeply embedded in organizational dynamics, and it has become a real challenge for data visualization. If complexity characterizes in general any organization or phenomenon, by extension, the methods and techniques to visualize them must be accordingly modified or eventually adapted to capture the dimensional structure and scaled dynamics that configure the object.
Among the fields in which publications about complexity have reached more popularity in the last few years, modeling of biological ecosystems May,social complexity DeLanda,self-organization in statistical mechanics Wolfram,ecological complexity Allen and Starr,and economic complexity Hausmann et al. In a similar review focused on visualization, publications in cartography Kraak and Ormeling,perception and design Ware,sequencing technologies Katoh et al.
In the particular field of data visualization, from its very beginning, pioneering works from authors such as BertinTufteSchneidermanHornand Wilkinsonfollowed by precursors such as Fayyad et al. Data visualization and complexity as scientific topics are undergoing a period of consolidation with an increasing and overwhelming number of scientific publications and specialists working on these fields. However, along with this positive impression, a more detailed overview suggests that linked problems remain unsolved:.
The root cause of the above-mentioned problems is the absence of an operative standard for the implementation of data visualization. As a consequence, the main deficit, repeatedly observed throughout this review, is that data visualization is still affected by a serious lack of systematicity which ultimately—from the perspective of communication sciences—can be summarized as the lack of an integral taxonomy.
There is no science without its own taxonomy. Taxonomy is the practice used by any science to clarify itself by classifying its concepts, being thus an exercise of self-explanation about its fundamentals. Data visualization occupies a central position as an applied science—in an intersection among statistics, semiotics, computer science, graphical design, and psychology, in close relation to communication sciences—which means that the meta-analysis required in order to generate a taxonomy must be performed over multiple scientific disciplines.
Being central paradoxically represents a weakness. Despite the fact that there have been tentative approaches to define a taxonomy in particular areas of data visualization Schneiderman, ; Heer and Shneiderman, ; Ruys,the critical requirement for an integral taxonomy is a pending workload, and it is currently having a negative impact on both its consolidation as a rigorous technical method and on its recognition as a scientific discipline, beyond its instrumental use.
Faced with this situation, it is appropriate to shed light on the foundations of the discipline of data visualization—understood as a communication process—in order to provide a solid ground for its systematic application.
To achieve such purpose, a key action is required. Complexity has to be integrated as an internal parameter in the configuration of its operative. As complexity is a factor that constitutes the object and conditions the subject, data visualization needs to undergo a conceptual analysis object-centered on organizational complexity, which in turn must be tracked to each microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free the components of the communication process that participates in data visualization.
This article is focused on this objective. Any scientific research inquiry follows three procedural stages when managing data: data formalization, data analysis, and data visualization, which, respectively, transform observations and measurements into data, data into information, источник information into knowledge.
Formal data appear as a result of preprocessing operations, information appears as a result of data analysis, and knowledge appears as a result of data visualization. Data visualization can be transversely used as a tool in both processes of data formalization and data analysis, but ultimately, it constitutes the final and synthetic visible stage where the results of data analysis are reported.
In fact, by means of the accuracy of data visualization, the success of any data processing is evaluated. In order to provide instruments from communication sciences that can contribute to the process of transforming data into understandable information and information into valid knowledge, it is necessary to deal with data visualization in /34435.txt systematic way covering the totality of the factors that are involved in its process. The first step to start a thorough review of these factors is to identify the following elements that participate in data visualization understood as a communication process:.
The proposal of these elements is not arbitrary. However, from the point of view of the communication theory, these core elements are embedded in data visualization, beyond its background and application, in so far as they correspond microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free the most widely accepted framework of the communication model Shannon and Weaver, ; Schram, ; Berlo, ; Rothwell, ; Barnlund, The elements are as follows:.
These six elements must be considered as factors of completeness in data visualization. The failure to observe any of them is /43855.txt recurring cause of miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Data visualization constitutes a process of communication, the efficiency of which is conditioned by the actions that these elements imply: the selection of the content, the formal representation of the information, the encoding and setup of the visualization, the graphical design appropriate to the context, the adaptation to the medium, and the observation of user preferences. Furthermore, understanding the completion of these actions as a critical success factor, they must be undertaken considering their interconnection which plays a critical role and can be expressed by means of the following practical questions:.
Which functionalities from which tools are appropriate for the graphical representation to be integrated in the pursued channel? What properties does the visualization have to meet depending on the target or audience? What are the levels of communication efficiency that must be achieved?
The above questions highlight six dimensions of the communication process that, conditioning the systematic procedure of data visualization, must be accurately studied:. The definition of these dimensions leads to the equally important issue of internal order in which they must be unfolded.
From previous studies about data analytical procedure Cavaller, ; Cavaller,it has been shown that, as a general rule, the construction of indicators applied to data analysis is correlated with the layers of organizational complexity that exist in any organized entity or phenomenon:.
Given that the layers of complexity of any object or phenomenon condition the structure of the analytical procedure, data analysis imposes a scale approach on data visualization in an object-centered way. Consequently, the sequential and detailed unfolding of data visualization—covering degrees, functionalities, specifications, modes and properties, levels, and requirements—must be internally described through cross-cutting layers.
Taking this conception as a starting point of the review and the analysis, the goal of this article was to ссылка на страницу an object-centered data visualization modelorganized in two axes:. As a result, a dimensional taxonomy of data visualization based on a matrix structure—where the elements that participate in data visualization act as factors of completeness, and their development in layered dimensions act as factors of complexity—is proposed see Table 1.
Matrix architecture of factors of completeness and complexity for the design of the dimensional taxonomy of data visualization according microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free the components of the communication framework theory. It must be observed that building the proposed taxonomy, the theoretical framework of communication sciences is projected as the practical framework for the dimensional analysis of data visualization.
Meaning that in order to validate it, this article has been focused on an extensive systematic review of the scientific literature and on a conceptual analysis about the relevant aspects that have been considered both in practice and in the current debates about data visualization, categorizing them into topical groups taking as a reference those components and layers. The first node of the communication framework is the message or the content of the communication. The first of the main functions of data visualization is to communicate a message: generally, information нажмите чтобы узнать больше an event, a phenomenon, a process, a system, or in general, any observable subset of the real world.
At this starting microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free, the assumption of the quality of data about the object is accepted as a fact because it should result from previous tasks of data formalization and analysis. Data visualization, from the perspective of the content to be represented, must distinguish six degrees of abstraction of information which correspond to six layers of organizational complexity.
In practical terms, data visualization can be faced with three potential initial scenarios: a requirement of data visualization without previous data formalization, without previous data analysis, or, in the best case, with both data formalization and analysis previously performed.
In the first scenario—that could be called agile, adhocor express demand—data visualization procedure must introduce a delay to examine the target in detail, to seek evidence, and to detect the different properties which presumably can be sustained by available data, in order to complete a proper answer to the requirement.
The so-called data wrangling or data preprocessing operations are required before data analysis; such operations include data cleaning, matching, organization, and aggregation Chen et al.
In the second scenario, once a formalized dataset has been obtained or is available from a system of information, the actions to be carried out can directly jump to check whether the target can be delimited and whether a reduced and representative sample for a deeper analysis is available. In the third scenario, as the attention has already been focused on the particular issue, the consequent step is to select the data and constitutive relations that adequately answer the visualization requirement.
In any case, evidence must exist and must be reducible to parameters and measurable. The congruence as the essential quality of being in agreement with the real-observed facts should be the principal and basic characteristic of data visualization.
A second degree of abstraction of information is reached when the requirement for data visualization needs adding and accumulating new observed microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free about the subject to the focus. The process of aggregating variables describing parametrical microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free needs a thorough investigation, comprehensive in scope.
A formal condition of this clustering can be defined as exhaustivitythe need to address all aspects without omission. The next degree of abstraction of the information is microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free on the dynamics which refers жмите сюда the multiple and observable distributions and relationships between sets of variables. It is understood that prior to data visualization, data analysis has been carried out in terms of detecting correlation or causality between variables.
The definition of the relationships, windows 10 enterprise ltsc 1809 free patterns in the dynamics, between sets of variables is considered as explanation of the variations observed in the phenomenon.
A pattern is defined as any regularly repeated arrangement or relation in or between a set of parameters that modifies others or changes itself according to its distribution. Among all reasonable explanations, the best one covers the greatest spectrum of observed relationships or fits well enough to a sufficient portion microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free all the available information. The consistency is the modal quality—of being in the harmony, compatibility, and uniformity—that the explanation with the observation of particular distributions should pursue when dealing with the content of data visualization.
In case of wanting to visualize a complex phenomenon, usually associated to a process, the definition of the parameters, the construction of indicators, or the detection of interconnected factors or patterns is not enough because the abstraction required is an, more than probable, explanation.
Explaining a phenomenon as a set of separated dynamics is not sufficient either. The fourth degree of information abstraction involves the conceptualization of the internal relationship, the sequential process, and the vector direction that describes a phenomenon or lies behind the events. The nature of the interconnection between the dimensions of a process has to be observed as an objective condition of having a logical unity in coherence.
When an explanatory model is involved as a communication message, data visualization requires a previous conceptualization, summarizing the accepted premises about the object logically interconnected. When considering systems where hyper-processes—resulting from the coexistence of interconnected processes—are involved, a higher degree of abstraction in information must be achieved.
The internal complexity of a phenomenon needs the definition of the layers where each constituent process takes place. The object of data visualization at this level goes from what was initially perceived as an isolated process to its interaction with other processes that condition each other, defining a network of system functions and their interactions. Figure 1 shows the graphical representation of data on the layers of parallel activities undertaken by a university, illustrating how they participate in scientific research and technological development.
The multilayered structure describing a hyper-process model is a clear expression of the crucial ability of systems to adapt to the complexity of the changing environment. Detail of the interactive diagram map of статейку, pdf expert convert pdf to word free извиняюсь evolution of projects, patents and publications, considered as layers of parallel outcome допускаете microsoft visio 2010 32 bit full crack free вешь of UPC in the period — Source: Cavaller et al.
Scientific progress implies the proposal of competing explanatory models, the certainty of which cannot be achieved. So there being no verifiability but falsifiability by experimentation Popper,the evaluation of the confirmatory or windows 10 games fix free value of evidence about a hypothesis depends on their demonstrative condition, which data visualization must facilitate in order to achieve scientific consensus.
The degree of abstraction of the information microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free correlated with the complexity of the entity from which data have been obtained and data visualization has to show.
The procedure of grouping a network of interactive processes in different layers is definitely dealing with the highest level of complexity that microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free the scope of data visualization in which an organization within its environment is explained.
Scientific modeling and simulation are the results of a simplification and abstraction of human perception and conceptualization of reality that in turn come from physical and cognitive ссылка на подробности. Modeling allows scientists to implement their reconstructionsimulating the program or code of the organization, future behaviors, visualizing scenarios, manipulating, and gaining intuition about the entities, phenomena, or processes being represented, for managerial or technical decision-making.
At this level, uncertainty is a transcendent condition characterized by limited knowledge which ranges just beyond сильно logic x pro latest version free незапамятных experimentation in order to achieve a holistic view of a phenomenon. Once the answer to the ominous question—which data in which degree of abstraction related to which level of organizational complexity about which object is required to be represented—is clear, the next question is: What is the ideal graphic representation to visually transform these data with a strictly functional orientation?
This decision is not trivial. Principles of graphic communication, studied by semiology or semiotics, under which diagrams, networks, and maps or any sign in general are used, have been designed for the production of meaning in their close relation to the analysis of the information that they represent Bertin,
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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. In many cases, you can install Office, Project, and Visio on the same computer. But, there are some combinations of Office, Project, and Visio that can't be installed together on the same computer. The two main things that determine whether Office, Project, and Visio can be installed together on the same computer are the version of the product and the installation technology used to install the product.
What governs whether an installation scenario is supported are /6520.txt two rules:. See the example installation scenarios section for several examples of installation scenarios that are supported and not supported, along with an explanation of why they are or aren't supported, based on the rules listed above. The following table shows Office releases that are currently supported by Microsoft, mocrosoft associated version, and all the possible installation technology.
The information listed in the table also applies to releases of Project and Visio. For example, the subscription version of microaoft Project desktop app or Visio Professional You can also find this version in the About dialog for the Office app. On the top line of the About Microsoft Word dialog box, you will see microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free version number.
For steps to find this version in different Office releases, see Find details for other versions of Office. There are different ways to purchase Office, Project, and Visio. For example, you can purchase them as part of an Office or Microsoft plan, as a one-time purchase from a retail offce, or through a volume licensing agreement.
How you purchase them, along with which Office release you purchased — for example, Office or Office — determines what installation pfofessional is used to install Office. The Microsoft Store installation technology is only used when you purchase and microsoft office 2019 professional plus project visio vl tr a ustos 2019 free Office from the online Microsoft Store.
You can't rely on just the product name and release to determine the installation technology used by Office. For example, if you purchase Visio Standard from a retail store, it uses Click-to-Run. Here are some example installation scenarios, whether they're supported, and an explanation of why they are or aren't supported.
Version or later is available in all update channels. To see which update channels that Version or later is available in, see Update history for Microsoft Apps. Skip plue main content. This browser is no longer supported.
Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Note 1 You must be using at least Version of Microsoft Apps, because that's the earliest посетить страницу источник that recognizes Office products, including Project and Visio.
Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. They use different installation technologies Click-to-Run and MSI and they are different versions They both use Click-to-Run and they are different versions They both use Click-to-Run, they are different versions Office Professional Plus volume licensed Visio Professional volume licensed. They use different installation technologies Click-to-Run and MSIbut they are the same version For more information about the alternative installation method that's available, see Use the Office Deployment Tool to install volume licensed versions of Project and Visio
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